Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dossier is DONE!

What can I say?  MY HUSBAND ROCKS!  After feeling led to tackle this dossier on his own (I prepared Mikhail's since Ken was working full time and finishing his degree at the time), Ken had the privilege of sending that puppy off to the agency via FedEx this past Friday.  Woo hoo!  What a relief!  We had to make a last minute mad dash down to San Antonio for a lingering document from our bank, but none the less, it's been sent and we are feeling quite... tired!  Relieved...and tired!
Proud Papa!
Never BEEN so proud of a box of paper!  Ain't she cute???
Since our adoption in 2006 I've starting seeing ads for companies that will prepare your dossier for you, and I guess you just show up and sign stuff in front of a notary.  I think this may be a business to look into because I can only imagine how much money a family would be willing to pay not to have to do all this on their own!  The only thing is most adoptive families are scraping their pennies to buy airplane tickets, so maybe it wouldn't be all that profitable after all. ;)  At any rate, I can't resist an opportunity to brag on my man.  The lady at the Secretary of State office who was assisting us in getting apostilles for each of our documents said "this is the most organized dossier I've ever seen!"  You go, Kenny. ;)